
The content of www.NicoleGrotepas.com and any part of what Nicole shares through articles, practice suggestions, in person and remote appointments, events, lectures, blog posts, newsletters, videos, etc., is offered as informational tools to advance the process of consciousness evolution and the expansion of awareness. 

Nicole Grotepas’s website content may not by copied, reproduced, transcribed, disseminated or distributed/sold in any way, in whole or in part, without the express prior written consent from Nicole Grotepas. You further agree not to display or use in any manner the materials without express prior written permission from Nicole Grotepas.

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Information provided through www.NicoleGrotepas.com is for general informational purposes only and is not intended or implied to serve as medical or therapeutic advice, diagnosis or treatment.

You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health issues, illnesses or diseases. Nicole Grotepas does not providing any medical or therapeutic advice.

If you have or suspect you have a health or therapeutic problem, you should consult with your doctor or therapist.

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