Who’s Who

If you’ve gotten a character named after you in one of my books, you should brag! 😉

I love to do this because my readers are incredibly important to me! You make the stories come to life and, you know, it’s just fun.

So, here’s what you do: come here, find your name, and then be sure to show off the honor to all your friends and family. If you need proof, here’s the web page about it, and you’re welcome, nay, invited, to send the link to them so they can see for themselves!

Some people are super private about honors like this, so that’s totally OK. If you’ve been listed here and want me to take it down, just send me a note.

This list is growing! I’ve got many more fan/friends lined up to add as the books launch that feature them.

If you want to be included, shoot me an email. Tell me why you don’t want a gnome to be named after you or why you need to be a gnome ;), if that’s what matters to you.

Teasing! But comment here or email me and let me know if you want to be on my list of upcoming characters.

In alphabetical order.

Sally Anders — the fiery red-head in Watson’s story–she’s named after two fiery redheads in my life–my mom, Sally, and my nephew, Anders.

Brand — In “Across the Aether,” a short story (only available on my website via email serialization), the second in command on Watson’s ship. Named after my good friend and author, Brandon Ellis!

Daniel Campana — a navigator in the short story about Watson Wolfe, Holly Drake’s great-great-great-great grandfather. He piloted a zeppelin across the cosmos to reach the 6 Moons. This character is named after Dan Bell, a superstar reader! 

Earl’s Crown bookshop — dubbed the Earl’s Crown after fellow-indie author Earl T. Roske. One of my oldest indie friends and supporters, he obviously needed some magnificent edifice named after him. 

Henn — this character appears in book 6, Reach of the Colossus and is named after Maureen Henn, one of my top people and email subscribers. We’ve never met IRL, but I know we’d be instant friends if we did.

Kañon Cortez — the helmsman and second officer in Across the Aether. Named after Kanyon MK, one of my longtime readers!

Danielle Le Roi — named after the enigmatic and hilarious Danyale, who assisted me with some story aspects during a rough period in early 2020, she also forms the basis for the personality of the fabulous character.