by Nicole | Apr 30, 2013 | Book News
So you bought a copy of my book and you’d like to get it signed. But how? How do you do that? Good question. Here’s how. Send it to me, I’ll sign it and send it back to you! For free. All you have to do is pay for shipping. BUT, if you don’t...
by Nicole | Apr 10, 2013 | Promotional
Another great review is up! I can’t believe how insightful and some of these reviewers are! I mean, they sum up the story a thousand times better than I do. And I sincerely appreciate all their hard work SO much. I know they like to read, but I feel extremely...
by Nicole | Apr 10, 2013 | Promotional
Two blogs have posted their reviews of Blue Hearts of Mars as part of the blog tour. Here are some quotes from them. Follow the links to read the full reviews. Thanks to Michelle and Ryan for reading and reviewing my book. 🙂 I appreciate it so much! “I am not...
by Nicole | Apr 5, 2013 | Giveaways, Promotional
Next Friday I’ll be conducting a giveaway on Facebook for people who have “Liked” the Blue Hearts of Mars page! The contest will be two $20 giftcards to Amazon! So, if you haven’t become a Blue Hearts fan on Facebook, go there now and like it...
by Nicole | Apr 3, 2013 | Book News, Promotional
Kat from SMI Book Club did a review for Blue Hearts of Mars that appears on their blog today. She did an excellent job and I really appreciate her insights and the great things she said about the book. Here are a few highlights from her review. You can read the rest...