by Nicole | Aug 16, 2013 | Book News, Excerpts, Teasers
I’m currently going through my second draft and changing all the sections that were originally in 1st person POV to limited 3rd. The process of changing a story from 1st to 3rd is a lot of work! And I’m betting it’s a lot harder than it sounds. I...
by Nicole | Aug 14, 2013 | Cover Reveals, Other Authors
I’m really excited to participate in the cover reveal for Fisher’s next book, slated to released in the fall. Which, you know is just around the corner, so get pumped, fans! Gather ‘round, love, because I want you. I want what you have, I want what you...
by Nicole | Aug 10, 2013 | Book News
Borrowing from a page out of the Mary Robinette Kowal play book, I’ve decided to experiment with running an alpha read program on my website using a password protected page. Anyone who is interested, fill out the form below and I’ll send you the password...
by Nicole | Aug 1, 2013 | Music, Reviews
My new review is up over at the music mag Treblezine. Check it out! Here’s a teaser: Stuart McLamb, the sole full-time member of The Love Language, recently divulged a secret about himself. “I can definitely overthink stuff,” he said, discussing the...