Feed 3 Teaser #41: Long Excerpt

  He got up and went to the window. The view was immense. Mountains in the distance were a black shadow hovering over the golden lights of the endless sprawl. This city was a diamond on the edge of a strand of desert like a necklace. He’d never been here before,...

Feed 3 Teaser #33.5

It’s finally here! A new teaser! Geez. I don’t know what happened. I fell off the wagon or something. No but seriously, sometimes it’s hard to keep your momentum. I got sidetracked by actually, I don’t know, writing the book and editing it, so...

Cover Release for Feed 3

Feed 3 is gearing up for publication! So, with that in mind I wanted to throw the cover out there for your eyeballs to ogle and your brains to sup from. Sup from. Sick. I mean, that should be “from which for your brains to sup.” That . . . that looks...