Welcome to 2018! I know everyone thinks 2017 sucked, but honestly it wasn’t that bad, IMO. I mean, things can only get better, right?
Here’s how I’m getting over 2017 and the disaster it seemed to be. Setting goals for 2018!
I’ve spent a few hours mapping out my plans for the year and they’re like HUGE. I’m all in, but if you don’t go hard, go home, is what I always say. I mean, to myself. I say that to myself. Not you. You’re obviously extremely and eagerly welcome here even if you don’t go hard.
So what’s on the slate?
Feed 4 is coming out soon. And once that’s done, I’ll bid farewell to that long-time coming series. Here and there I might revisit it, depending on what feedback I get from readers, but for the most part, I’m going forward. It’ll be weird to say goodbye, but it’s definitely not good riddance.
I’m currently finishing up a short/novella crime procedural set in this wicked awesome universe that I can’t wait for people to visit. It’s got a great little cast of characters that I LOVE. And if readers love them too then I’ve got two spin off series’ set in that universe.
Spin off is a loose term. Because, it gets complicated.
Let me explain. I’m currently in the midst (also) of outlining the first book in a series set in the same universe. Starring a bad ass heroine. She’s connected to the cast of characters in the crime procedural. But her story(ies) moves in a different circle. The story/stories weirdness is because I’m outlining three books. And if readers like them, I’ll keep writing more. Each one will have a resolved ending, but more books will be easy to add.

So. Bad-ass heroine on the way. It’ll be sort of steam-punk, but not heavy, and that’s mainly due to the setting and the tech-level. It won’t feel like Victorian-era steam like H.G. Wells and such. At least, at this point.
Anyway, the crime procedural cast are detectives in the police force. They also live in this universe. The setting is wicked sweet. It’s a big part of why I’ve got this stuff going on. Because I love it. And I can’t just plan one story in it. So one of the characters in the crime procedural is related to the main character in the BA heroine series. Which still doesn’t have a name.
Some of this depends on reader reception. What I think is awesome may be totally lame to my readers. But this is what I have planned. Of course, I also have a novella planned in one of my other universes, where the Blue Hearts of Mars takes place. And as usual, I keep writing and posting short stories on my Patreon page, and I tend to do that every month.
So what’s on your list? I’d love to hear about it. If you have thoughts about the direction I’m going, let me know in the comments.