5 Spring Beach Reads for Adventurers

Mar 16, 2021 | Book Reviews, Genre, Space Opera, Urban Fantasy | 0 comments

Have I gone mad? Escape the beach in a book? Who would even?! 

I know. I know. Call me crazy, but reading and the beach go together like tequila, triple sec, and lime juice (and salt, for sassy people, like me!). So if you’re going to do it, do it with the right books. Why read something boring when you could be out in space or fighting vampires, while you soak up the sun between dips in the water? 

In a few days, I’ll be on the beach, and I’ll be reading from this list. Trust me. I’ve already started a couple of them (and they’re good!). I usually have about 3-4 books going at once and the best ones win! 

No, it’s more mood based than that. So, that was a little joke for competitive people like myself. 

That’s the part about writing as my job that I love–reading is “work.” WORK! Ha! Life-hack. 

book cover of woman in flames
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I’m currently in the middle of this one. I dig it. For fun, I recently looked at the reviews on Amazon and laughed that someone complained that it’s like the Kate Daniels books. Then they cited a bunch of mythology tropes as though proof that Breene copied the Ilona Andrews team. 

I guess no one can ever write stories now with similar tropes in them because of Kate Daniels! Everyone else go home! Stop writing, fools. 

Ha. Yes, well, I haven’t read Kate Daniels yet, but the sheer brute force of the fans is daunting. 

But I like the style of this one. I love that Reagan isn’t a wilting flower, or an overly girly girl. She wears leather and I haven’t had to endure even one scene where she looks in the mirror to describe her dress for three paragraphs and how the color accentuates her amber curls.

I like the way the book is built, giving equal attention to character and action. Reagan isn’t comically overpowered and struggles to win battles.

And ultimately, I dig her vibe. Would have drinks in a bar with her. My newest form of rating. 😉 

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Read the first, loved it and have really really wanted to immediately dive into the second. But I had other things I needed to read first. 

From the first, I can say that I dig both leads, including the pirate Tenebris. I know that Buroker meticulously creates her storylines and worlds, so I basically know what I’m going to get and chances are, I’ll love it. 

Would have drinks with Casmir, and likely the smuggler Han Solo type character (but we might get in a fight!). But mainly Casmir. I’d probably scare him, but he’s so gentle I’d never know. 

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Started this a few weeks ago and had to put it on hold. Kingsolver’s voice is a lot like Breene’s in the Born of Fire, where the chick is a no-frills badass type. 

So, this is just a personal preference. While I can fully hang with the Anne Shirley, Jane Austen female-character types, there is something I struggle with in certain Urban Fantasy heroines. I still haven’t put my finger on it.

Maybe it’s the overwrought prose or where I’m bludgeoned over the head with talk of just how cutesy these ladies are, you know, even though they go around kicking vampire butt, they STILL love to don the evening gown and be the center of all the male attention. 

I want to punch them. It’s me. Not them. 

And no, I don’t feel that way at all about Lizzie, Emma, or Anne Shirley. 

And I didn’t feel that way about the protagonist in this book. She’s cool. So far. Would have a drink with her. Probably… 

Man with gun book cover
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So, I know what I’m going to get in a Logsdon book. Strong writing that carries me along at satisfying clip, together with settings that don’t confuse me, plus an exciting story with jokes and twists I don’t see coming. 

Also, I’ve heard about this character a ton from several people (including the author) and so I want to sample the wares. Also, the gun on the cover is pretty sweet. I wonder what it is?! I almost want to say a 1911, but the cut of the barrel doesn’t look familiar.  

Oh, just looked it up. It’s totally a Desert Eagle. Damn. Of course Ian Dex has the biggest caliber handgun around. What a man, what a mighty fine man (sung like Salt ‘N Peppa). Laughing emoji. I wonder what he’s compensating for? Hmm. Laughing with tears emoji (have I overdone this joke?).

Not sure about drinks with this guy yet. Probably? With a gun like that… well… is he safe?  

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This one is burning to be read. I finished book 7 and was pretty distraught and a bit too emotionally drained to dive right into 8. 

I feel an incredible amount of loyalty for the characters and the storyline, and in the end, that will outweigh the apprehension that’s gnawing at my peace. Why is it being gnawed at? I don’t know. A lot of destruction. Stuff I didn’t see coming at the end of book 7 (even though that was the first book I’d read in the series…crazy story, that. So this was my second read). 

I was a bit sapped at the end and felt a smidgeon of indignation (killer band name!) for how it all went down. That’s a good thing, right? Because it means that the author has kicked so much ass through seven books that my heart was shredded at the end and yet I still want to keep reading. 

I think that’s what it all means. I love the adventure and look forward to the challenge of overcoming the messes made in 7. Would have two drinks with Kane and Rebel, together. Or separately. Lancelot too. 

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