Borrowing from a page out of the Mary Robinette Kowal play book, I’ve decided to experiment with running an alpha read program on my website using a password protected page. Anyone who is interested, fill out the form below and I’ll send you the password to access the page.
This is the second draft of the novel, so there will be mistakes and problems. I’ll mainly be asking for feedback on large issues that I can still change. There are the questions I’ll ask you to bear in mind as you read.
I will want you to look for things that:
- Confuse you
- You don’t believe
- You are bored by
- You think are cool
What I want are your reader reactions, not grammar problems or other things related to punctuation and whatnot.
And yes, if you follow the link to Mary’s page, you’ll see that I COMPLETELY ripped her off. She’s great and smart and beautiful, why wouldn’t I? If you haven’t read her books, try them out. I’m about to start Without a Summer (I have to clear a couple other books off my plate first, but then . . .).
Also, if you can’t get enough of me (and I so would not blame you if you couldn’t, I mean, I’m utterly charming, right?), check out my recently added Free Fiction page for a fun story I started writing earlier this year.