by Nicole | Feb 10, 2015 | Music, Reviews
Father John Misty is at his best when juxtaposing irreverent lyrics with the sublime beauty of a slow ’60s jam or a sunny, upbeat number, both found on his sophomore album, I Love You Honeybear. Gorgeous, swirling melodies and horn-infused tracks are jarring in their...
by Nicole | Feb 2, 2015 | Music, Playlists
It’s all about love this month! I’ve put together some love-tracks (mostly). Broken hearts, hearts beating as one, heart-shaped candy, this is the season of song and hearts. And such. I love, love. Anyway, I can’t be modest about it, but even though...
by Nicole | Jan 29, 2015 | Writing Advice
Regularly, someone asks me how I have time to write, let alone write a book. Look at what I’m doing now! I’m at my sister’s house, writing! CW is playing with his cousin and baby Z is in the exer-saucer! I shouldn’t be writing this post at the...
by Nicole | Jan 24, 2015 | Life Story, Music
First things first, I just discovered this gem. It’s so good. And, confession, something about the vocalist reminds me of Tracy Chapman. Weird! But it’s lovely and brooding and pensive. It makes me want to break up just so I can have a bit of drama. Haha!...
by Nicole | Nov 24, 2014 | Music, Reviews
Stars’ newest album No One Is Lost opens with one of their favorite tricks: a sound clip from their musical vaults. They’ve probably got an entire database designed for just this thing. Some clips are powerful statements, like the one that opened 2005’s Set...