by Nicole | Jun 12, 2020 | Life Story
THE GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER. THIS IS NOT HYPERBOLE. I’ve been thinking about what makes me tick lately. And because I’m such a commoner, I figure this applies to other people all over the place. Like people everywhere find the same things alluring that I...
by Nicole | Dec 9, 2019 | Life Story
This cat gets it. The sun IS life. This post is heavy. And raw. And I’m sorry, in a way, to share it. But hopefully you’ll forgive me! Next week will be better. You know me. I like to joke and have fun! It’s my favorite thing to do—approach the world with...
by Nicole | Nov 20, 2019 | Life Story
Sobek on my shoulder. Like sunshine, aka a John Denver song, but better. Because he purrs. Do you ever have one of those moments where you wonder why you do anything?Just what is the point?I’m not sure there is one.BUT.This poem. By Mary Oliver.I know what...
by Nicole | Jun 13, 2019 | Uncategorized
For the last leg of relaunching the Feed series with new covers, I’m doing a MASSIVE giveaway. I convinced a bunch of really REALLY good authors to help me load this Kindle Paperwhite up with their books, and I’m super pumped to share it with you. Because...
by Nicole | May 18, 2019 | Uncategorized
I’m currently polishing up the final draft of “Shoulders of Giants.” Where the hell have I been of late?Only a bazillion places and doing a trillion things, and taking care of a grillion tasks.Here’s a sample.Well, the one I already mentioned....