How to Begin Healing
If you’re here, reading this, then you’ve already started. Congratulations on being brave, on looking for the next step on your journey.
Everything I write on this site regarding healing, meditation, designing a spiritual practice, or about ETs is based on my personal experience.
Through my experience I’ve discovered that we don’t have to just get by, or subsist, or barely survive, or worse make do.
Life especially doesn’t have to be a case of subsisting or barely surviving if you’re here, now, reading this.
What I want to share isn’t the secret to healing your bodily pains and ailments, because I don’t know how to do that, yet.
While I have consciously healed myself without invasive surgery while doctors told me my condition was only curable with it (the surgery, for the record was just 40% – 60% likely to be successful), that’s not my goal.
If you’re in a situation where you would like to heal your physical conditions, there are many options in the realm of non-traditional methods for doing that. I healed myself with a raw diet, and I healed a Repetitive Stress Injury through yoga, so these things are possible.
However, there are other types of healing that matter to us today.
If you are alive on Earth at this moment, it’s possible you are carrying with you a lifetime of trauma that’s impacting everything from your body to your emotional well-being and therefore your health.
You’re not only carrying YOUR trauma, but you’re also carrying that of your ancestors.
But let’s start with you.

If your life has gotten broken in a way that’s got you out there searching for answers, then I’m sure you need them.
So my goal is to make these steps as easy as possible.
You will first establish a pattern, small to start, that gives you space to breathe.
Why start a pattern? Patterns are found throughout nature–the Universe loves patterns and we are part of that system. Typically when we live our lives without a conscious awareness of what we’re doing, we begin establishing patterns that don’t end up serving us. Sometimes these patterns seem harmless at first (two beers every Friday night or a dessert after every meal resulting in thousands of additional calories over the course of a year), but upon closer inspection we discover that these form the bedrock of our existence. Foundations, as we know, impact the entire structure.
Thoughts are patterns. To change a pattern, we either need to recode the old one, or completely destroy it. If a pattern is so powerful and destructive, sometimes our life must completely fall apart to begin again.
If your life has fallen apart, I challenge to look at this as a good thing. The reason I ask you to do this is because another common pattern is to feel like a victim–that something happened to you and thus you are hurt and weakened by it. You have been wronged and there’s nothing you can do to change it.
When we see ourselves as victims, we become powerless.
When we change that perception, we become creators and we discover the power within to change our situation.
This is not to dismiss whatever has happened in your life. For now, know that all you need to do is simply change that perception even by the tiniest degree.
Ships can go off course and lose their way by fractions and end up thousands of miles off course. The reverse is also true. All you need to do is to alter one small thing, and by doing this, you surrender to the idea that whatever has happened to bring you here today, it’s a good thing.
You now have the strength and ability to alter your destiny one degree at a time.

Well done! You have now accomplished two things that may seem small on your journey towards healing (Note: to the Universe, nothing is small and nothing is large):
1. You came to this website.
2. You have changed how you perceive yourself, reclaiming a portion of your power and energy.
All of us are given a specific amount of energy to use in this world. With that energy we become creators. Whether we are conscious of it or not, we create everyday and we make choices of what to do with our energy. As you alter your perception about yourself, you alter for the better what you create in this world.
That, for the record, transforms you from an unconscious creator into a conscious creator. Conscious creators contain more power and therefore they imbue their creations with more power because consciousness changes everything.
Beginning today you will make one more choice to begin your new pattern. I will give you three options and from them you will choose one. After you make that choice, you will assign yourself that one additional thing to do for a specified amount of time. As you see changes in yourself over that course of time, you’ll discover new things about yourself, life, everything.

Now, the previous two tasks were relatively simple compared to what comes next.
Here are three options to continue, to explore whether this whole healing concept is for you or not.
1. Meditate for 10 minutes every day for fourteen days. At the very least, if you can’t do fourteen days, set the intention to try it for at least five days bearing in mind that this is just an exploration to see if you feel any different as you continue this practice.
2. Find a breathing practice that lasts about ten minutes on Youtube or on some kind of mindfulness app on your mobile phone. This could be Wim Hof’s breathing practice on Youtube or a pranayama breathing practice such as steady wave or alternate nostril breathing. Do this practice once a day 5 – 7 days.
3. Begin a movement yoga (hatha yoga) practice or qigong for at least 10 minutes a day for 5-7 days with the goal being at least 2 weeks.
The reason my lengths of time are so lax is because the goal is for you to do them, to not be daunted by something too large that you can’t fit it into your life, or to feel like it’s hopeless before you even begin.