
“Legion” by Brandon Sanderson

Screen Shot 2013-07-07 at 1.31.37 PMHow to describe the sheer awesomeness of the concept at the heart of Legion? There’s no way. You have to experience if for yourself.

But let me try. Stephen Leeds is a rich, brilliant dude who has earned the (somewhat) derogatory nickname of Legion for having learned to successfully manage his multiple personalities and benefit from their diverse intellects and specialties. Unlike a typical case of multiple personality disorder, Leeds actually sees his aspects outside his body, interacting in various ways with his surroundings and guiding him and giving him feedback that he might otherwise not notice (I’m not an expert–I think visual hallucinations are unusual for MP disorder. I also don’t know if people in the know shorten it to MP disorder).

I notice that on this cover, there’s a dude in a cool-looking peacoat holding a wicked-sweet gun. Since I read this novella a month or two ago, I’d forgotten about my favorite “aspect” of Stephen Leeds. The guy with the gun, J.C. Yes, he was hilarious and the verbal repartee he participated in with one of Stephen’s female aspects, Ivy, was sparkling and captivating. I loved it.

Alright, so Brandon did a great job with the execution (as usual, the bastard [term of endearment]). What I loved was the cast of characters–they were diverse and the dialogue between them was sharp and well done. So much of this story was perfect I could just run down a grocery list of what did it for me, but that would be boring.

I don’t like stories that glorify mental illness (like A Beautiful Mind [the movie…is there a book?]) because they tend to overlook the fallout and pretend that it doesn’t matter–when the reality for me (my late father had a mental illness that was variously described as delusional paranoia to schizophrenia, which just illustrates the difficulty of diagnosing diseases of the mind) was that the collateral damage mattered very much to me, my mother, and my sisters. In any case, Brandon does a clever and interesting job of detailing how one person might harness their multiple personalities and benefit from this schism of the mind, and I never felt like Legion was romanticizing something that can be awful to experience (but…I guess that is kind of what he’s doing…hmm weird that it never felt that way).

One thing that struck me, and which I don’t know if he was doing intentionally, was the concept that someone with such a high IQ MIGHT be benefiting from compartmentalized geniuses like Stephen and his various personalities. I mean, I don’t know if I’m even articulating what I mean very well. I just thought to myself as I was reading that embedded in the subtext was the idea that people with extreme intelligence might just think on many different planes, which could be described as personalities. It SEEMED to me that one idea here is that too much brilliance of that nature would have to be separated into different mental entities in order to control it.

That’s what I thought. And I like that idea. And even if Brandon didn’t mean to do that, I feel like it’s a possibility.

Usually Brandon (did I mention that we’re not friends but that I employ the use of his first name liberally because I’m just that way? Yep) writes endings to his stories that blow my mind. As usual, the ending of Legion had a twist that I enjoyed and felt like the payoff was worth it. BUT, it wasn’t his BEST ending ever in the entire universe of Brandon books/stories. It was just pretty good and I can’t complain about that, because Brandon writing a pretty good ending is the same as me writing my best ending ever (and most other writers too).

I wish I could keep my reading schedule up with how prolific he is, but I’m really glad we have a machine like him rolling out stories that keep us entertained and thoughtful and give us ideas and magic systems that no one else has ever come up with. He’s a freaking genius. I actually think he MIGHT be Legion.

TEASER! A Boat Made of Bone

I’m excited to share this with you guys! It’s a teaser from A Boat Made of Bone, my next book and the book that this Kickstarter campaign is for. If you enjoy this teaser, please take a moment and go pledge to help get the book published. Just $1 gets you a copy of one of my books. More pledge gets you more reward, of course–paperback copies, hardback copies, original artwork, and other cool shiz!

Thank you so much to friends, fans, and family who have already pledged! I’m truly humbled and awed by your generosity. I love you!

Onward:Eiffel Tower Kiss

We take two lifts to the top of the tower, transferring halfway up. When we step out onto the balcony of the top level, I gasp in stunned amazement. The city of Paris stretches to the horizon, a dark river of stars, an arm of the Milky Way, flowing away from us like a black lake filled with incandescent pebbles. The contrast of light and darkness is stark and humbling. I’ve never seen a more beautiful city. We walk to the nearest railing and Will wraps his arm around me, standing at my side, quiet and reverent like the moment seems to ask for.

Humans have created a lot of beautiful things and a lot of miserable things. While I’ve only seen a small bit of the ugly, I’ve witnessed a good share of the wondrous. I know as I stand there absorbing the experience that this—Paris at night at the top of the Eiffel tower—is one of the best. And maybe it’s just because I’m here with Will. Maybe it’s that I can smell his musk, and around it, the fragrance of summer in a city. Or perhaps it’s the imperfect mirror image of the city of light beneath us and the star speckled sky above us. Together the endless city and the eternal night sky make me feel so small and insignificant. The only thing that saves me is Will—his breath against my neck, his arm wrapped around me so that I realize I am known and perhaps even loved, that I am not just some unknown speck on a huge, seething planet of human life.

Being in such a place, we could be laughing, acting drunk with elation that we’re together at the top of the world, but instead we’re a bit somber. I feel stunned at the sight—I honestly didn’t anticipate being so prompted into silence.

“Want to see the other side?” Will whispers. His lips brush my ear and chills flash across my neck…

I should mention that while this teaser is in first person point-of-view, the finished product will be in third person POV. I began the first draft in third person, and about five or six scenes in, I switched it to first. And then, when I was almost done with the first draft, I decided third person would be a better vehicle for this story.

On the Kickstarter page, there’s a link to the first chapter, which is in third person. I haven’t finished making the POV switch in the entire thing yet. So you will notice some inconsistencies in POV. If you have an opinion or insight into this change, feel free to speak up. It’s been a difficult debate for me and I love getting input, even if I shoot it down and don’t follow it. Bwah ha ha ha!

Add to your Goodreads Shelf today!

Add to your Goodreads Shelf!

A Boat Made of Bone Kickstarter Is LIVE!

Hey everyone, the Kickstarter for my next novel, A Boat Made of Bone, has launched! Watch the video above and go here to reserve your copy (digital, paperback, or hardback) now! Share the news to enter to win $100–details will be posted soon on how to do that.

For those of you curious about WHAT the book is about, there’s a link posted on the Kickstarter page that will allow you to read the first chapter. More chapters will be unlocked when funding is met and if we can reach stretch goals. See all the stretch rewards at the bottom of the Kickstarter info page.

I’m so excited to be doing this. I love Kickstarter and have found myself nearly ADDICTED to it. Seriously, I have to rein myself in or else I’d back every cool projecting happening ALL THE FREAKING TIME. I’d be broke.

But . . .  I’d be happy. And projects would be funded. Right?

As the campaign progresses, I’ll also be posting teasers from deeper in the book, which will reveal delicious details about where the story is headed. So once you’re hooked, I hope you stay tuned for more sweet delectable tidbits from my next book.

In fact, while we’re talking about it, here’s one now.Screen Shot 2013-08-14 at 5.09.01 PM

Will closes his eyes, unfolds his arms, and takes a deep breath. When he opens his eyes again, the intensity of his gaze sears me. “You’re right. That is what I’m doing, Kat, I’m sorry. Because—because what I was once, when I was alive, doesn’t matter to me anymore. What matters to me now is you. I find it difficult to know that you have a life that I’m not a part of.” He steps toward me and takes my upper arms in his hands. His grip is tight, but not uncomfortably so. “I regretted everything I did, everything I was, until I found you. It’s a second chance, and I don’t even know why I’ve been given one. Only, I’m not real. I’m dead. And I can’t even touch you, your flesh, the real you.”


Aaaand scene.

Well, there it is. I hope you’ve enjoyed that little foray into the depths of A Boat Made of Bone.

Remember to share this Kickstarter to enter to win a $100 gift card from Amazon or Paypal cash. The drawing will happen when the campaign reaches it’s funding goal. I can’t wait to give someone a hundred dollars! Details on where to enter coming soon!

UPDATE: Here’s the form for entering the giveaway for sharing.




An Untimely, Horrible Accident, or: Laptops and Water Don’t Mix


So I got a little cocky, flew a little too close to the sun (“You let him go to the sun?!!”), and now my Macbook is sitting in front of a fan with the bottom panel removed. Yes, I have no idea if this will work. My main hope is that at the very least, my hard-drive made it. Because then I can still recover the files that WEREN’T uploaded to my Dropbox folder and that haven’t been saved by Time Machine since May 7th.

What happened? I mean, besides the obvious?

Well, I have a two-year-old, see, and I plugged my laptop in and left it for five seconds, and there was this cup of water (one of those BIG cups) that I leave on the bleeping nightstand for the princess cat who won’t just drink out of her water dish, but requires a constant supply of “human” water in order to stay hydrated. And my son, he hasn’t cared to mess with it for about two months.

He’s got this devilish streak, I’m noticing. It’s like there’s a demon just waiting for any kind of electronics and water to be in the same place. Any water. And when it’s available, the whispers flood into my son’s ear. Like, he’s never been too enticed by the toilets (we keep the doors shut and the toilets have those kiddie proofing things on them), but in March when my sister was visiting for my dad’s funeral, my brother-in-law left his iPhone 5 sitting on the arm of the couch for three seconds. And then . . . well, someone else left the bathroom door open because they’re not used to having a toddler around lately. What can I say? The planets aligned. The ingredients combined to make a delicious cocktail of mayhem and destruction.

My son was there and then gone in a flash.

And yes. Yes, he did. My son threw Jason’s phone RIGHT INTO THE TOILET. I felt awful. Horrible.

But my sister has four kids and well, there’s always the bowl of rice trick. Which EVIDENTLY doesn’t work for laptops. It works like magic for iPhones, however.

Anyway, I will not be daunted. My Kickstarter will still launch in a few days and I will still publish my book(s). This year. Sometime. Even if I have to begin working on my ancient Acer laptop. It’s ANCIENT. But neither hell nor high-water will stop me. MARK MY WORDS.

And demons, begone!

Kickstarter $100 Giveaway

This event is being hosted by Laura at Colorimetry.



Nicole GrotepasHey everyone! I’m borrowing this blog for a moment to invite people to sign up for the Kickstarter Launch Blast we’re organizing together to spread the word on the publishing campaign for my new book: A Boat Made of Bone.Kat Miller has been having recurring dreams about the same man . . . a dead man. Will Marks, to be exact, a celebrity who died long before Kat had any reason to pay attention to celebrities. 

While the night-world she enjoys with Will beckons, her waking world has suddenly gotten intriguing. Ty Watts–a guy with looks that could set a thousand housewives free–just walked into her life. He’s got a smile that hides a secret Kat wants to know. 

But is Ty a distraction or a savior?

Kat’s dreams threaten to take over. She must negotiate the edge of reality, solve the mystery of her nightly rendezvous with Will and either set him free or lose herself forever in the seductively dangerous world he inhabits. 

A Boat Made of Bone is a love story that spans worlds, generations, and reaches beyond death into the realm of fantasy. 

–This book contains mature themes that may not be suitable for those under 18.


1 – Share this super-fun announcement with me, Nicole Grotepas!  (Details in form below)

2 – Post the campaign launch on June 22nd  (Details via email) 

3 – Share fun subject-to-change sidebar graphics as the campaign grows!


The intent of the Kickstarter campaign is to raise funds through pledges (each pledge secures some type of copy of A Boat Made of Bone) to finalize publication of the book. There are various reward levels ranging from a $1 pledge, to $10 pledges all the way up to $2000 with many stops in between. There’s something for everyone!

There are also unlockable rewards for pledgers at each $5000 level such as more chapters from the book and reward add-ons ranging from posters of the cover art to tote bags with the cover art. Be a part of all the excitement!


Every blogger who participates in sharing this announcement will be entered in a drawing for a $100 Amazon GC or Paypal Cash. 

Enter again by posting the Kickstarter June 22nd! 

This is separate from the rewards offered in the campaign – to be among the first to receive Nicole Grotepas’ new book, be sure to check out the Kickstarter, too… choose your pledge and secure your copy of A Boat Made of Bone!


Fill out this awesome form designed by Prism Book Tours and we’ll enter you in the drawing for $100 and you’ll hear from us soon! 


Kickstarter Addict

If you haven’t checked out Kickstarter before, you should. Holy crap there are some amazing projects on there. I’m totally addicted to perusing the site and backing stuff. It should come as no surprise, then, that I’m going to do my own campaign. Should it? Hmm. Maybe it should.

So I just just have to finish the video and put the final touches on the rewards for backers and we’ll launch it. I say ‘we’ because I’m going to have some help from a few friends. The begin date will probably be on the 13th, maybe sooner. It depends. If you’re interested in helping spread the word about the Kickstarter to get the book funded, contact me or Laura at Prism Book Tours to be included in the blast (that’s what we’re calling it).

Screen Shot 2013-06-03 at 6.15.06 PMI’ve been working on this book for quite a few months. It actually overtook the projects you see in the right sidebar there–yeah, the Root, Book 2 of the Illuminated Universe, and also that awesome Chick-lit novel. Originally I’d planned to release this new book in June, but there were some surprises in my personal life. My dad died in March and though we knew he was sick and would pass on soon, it was still more difficult than I ever imagined it would be. Some of you might have seen his obituary, which I posted here. That might have come as a surprise and I apologize for the out-of-left-field nature of that obituary.

Sad. Huh. I’m feeling somber now.

Well. OK. Moving on. Must go on.

So! About my new book! I’m classifying it as a New Adult novel even though it isn’t exactly like Colleen Hoover’s books or J. Lynne’s. There’s a supernatural element to it, but the age of the protagonist is around 24, she’s just finished college, and is looking for what’s next in her life. She begins having recurring dreams of a male celebrity who’s been dead for several years. Celebrity = she knows he’s dead. So what gives? I mean, with the dreams? Huh. Weird.

This is the synopsis I’ve written for the Kickstarter page:Dream Kiss

A Boat Made of Bone is a love story that spans worlds, generations, and reaches beyond death into the realm of fantasy. Kat MIller has been having recurring dreams about the same man–a long dead celebrity. While her night-world beckons, her real life just got intriguing with the introduction of Jared–a guy with looks that could set a thousand housewives free. Kat must negotiate the edge of reality, solve the mystery of her nightly rendezvous with Will Marks, the man from her dreams, and either set him free or lose herself forever in her sleeping world.

So, if that sounds interesting to you, spread the word! Help me get this project funded and I’ll send you thought-butterfly kisses. And such. Also, I should mention that there will be sample chapters available when the campaign launches. That way you can see if the book is something you’ll be interested in.

More updates to come!

Signing Copies of My Books

Pen and Old Book
And I promise to sign it in old German with a fountain pen.

So you bought a copy of my book and you’d like to get it signed. But how? How do you do that?

Good question.

Here’s how. Send it to me, I’ll sign it and send it back to you! For free. All you have to do is pay for shipping.

BUT, if you don’t want to go through the whole process of buying it through Amazon or elsewhere, and then haul it to the post office and send it to me, just contact me. You can buy it through me for cheap, and I’ll send it to you. All you have to do is pay for the shipping and the cost of the book (I get a wholesale price, so the book is cheaper).

Email me at grotepas [at] gmail [dot] com and I’ll set up the sale. I love you and I want you to have a signed copy of my book.



“Laurie’s Thoughts” Reviews Blue Hearts of Mars

Book shelves

Another great review is up! I can’t believe how insightful and some of these reviewers are! I mean, they sum up the story a thousand times better than I do. And I sincerely appreciate all their hard work SO much. I know they like to read, but I feel extremely grateful that they’d read and review my book.

A lot of them are on Blogger, where I used to host my blog and website. But I haven’t been able to post comments on a Blogger post for ages (one reason I left Blogger), which is why I haven’t been able to post comments on the reviews. I wonder if it’s just me? I hope others have experienced this problem . . . because if not . . . well.

Here’s a quote from Laurie’s review. Read the rest (and a character interview with Hemingway) here:

“This is a well-told story that takes a fantastical concept and logically develops it so that the reader falls under its spell.  I particularly liked the way in which it examines, under the guise of science fiction, how cultural beliefs and attitudes can seem so right but might actually be based on faulty premises and outright clever lies.   It reads quickly and easily; I was rapidly drawn into Retta’s adventures.  I loved the description of Mars and its various domed cities connected by high-speed trains running through a network of tunnels.  This is a mesmerizing story from an author whose imagination seems limitless.  I am looking forward to more adventures and finding out what sort of backlash Retta and Hemingway must endure next in their quest to reveal the truth.”


Thanks Laurie!

New Blog Tour Reviews

Shell BookshelfTwo blogs have posted their reviews of Blue Hearts of Mars as part of the blog tour. Here are some quotes from them. Follow the links to read the full reviews. Thanks to Michelle and Ryan for reading and reviewing my book. 🙂 I appreciate it so much!

“I am not sure if I can express how much I adored the main character, Retta. She is outspoken, sarcastic at times, and the way she stood up for others really endeared her to me. I love the way the book starts out. The opening section really hooked me in and got me excited about the subject matter of the book–androids.”

From Books-Marks the Spot.

“I was hooked on the social issues going on with android and human population. I loved that this book brought a rather interesting question to the forefront, ‘What makes a human truly human?’ Is it the sum of all of our parts or is it something more? It’s a very big question and its not one that comes with an easy answer.”

From In Libris Veritas.