Blue Hearts of Mars is free on Amazon until Wednesday, the 19th. Click here to get a copy!
Additionally, my short story that was Patron-supported (via Patreon) “The First Post-Android Buy-Back Program” is also free until Wednesday. Click here to download it!
Below, I’ve included the covers to some of my recent Patron-supported stories! Eventually, I release these stories for sale on Amazon. But if you follow my work and want to contribute as little as 99 cents per story (no more than once a month), you can have them as soon as I release them to my fabulous supporters–every Patron gets mentioned on the first page of the story in the acknowledgements.
Thank you so much for being in my life and reading my work! <3<3<3<3

“Godslayer” was September’s story and is one of my longest short stories (in some ways it doesn’t even qualify as a short story). Click the image to go to the Patreon page to get this story for 99 cents!