Blue Hearts of Mars Review from Words to Dreams Website

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The website Word to Dreams just posted an AWESOME review for Blue Hearts of Mars as part of the blog tour that’s going on right now. It’s so good to get feedback like this! Here are some excerpts from it.

I had just come off a read for review that was a DNF. So you can imagine, as a reader, how down I was feeling. I went straight into Blue Hearts of Mars thinking that I had lost my mojo but quickly found myself loving the story and the fabulous writing. This story is unique in so many ways. You may think, androids, been there, done that. Don’t think that! You may think, teenage girl carelessly treating her life like it doesn’t matter. Don’t think that either! What you can think is a new evolution of life. Something other than the normal, something powerful, something driven, something full of never-ending possibilities.

Another little blurb:

This story starts out as a love story. Teen girl..teen android boy…a love, like Romeo and Juliet’s that is considered intolerable but theirs is also illegal. But this story turns into so much more than a love story. It is a story that has another layer to it, a story within a story. And there is an awesome twist near the end that puts the humans on Mars in a tailspin.

And probably my favorite!

Do I recommend this book? A resounding YES. For lovers of YA sci-fi, this will satisfy your craving. For lovers of dystopia, this gives you human life on another planet but without Earth being destroyed or war ridden. For lovers of action, this gives you plenty to keep you on your toes. An all-around good read that will have you thinking long after the last word is read.

For the rest of the excellent review, go here.





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