Blue Hearts of Mars Reviewed by SMI Book Club

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Kat from SMI Book Club did a review for Blue Hearts of Mars that appears on their blog today. She did an excellent job and I really appreciate her insights and the great things she said about the book. Here are a few highlights from her review. You can read the rest here:

I loved that even in the future when life as we know it is gone, the human spirit is still the same. People will be people! You can’t take that away no matter the technology. The ending of this book is exceptional. While it was different from what I imagined, the way the author brought in a shocking revelation was amazing. I probably reread the last chapter 3 times letting it sink in and the meaning behind it. It was truly beautiful.

Yes! Thank you, Kat! One more:

After talking about this book to my 16 year old daughter as I was reading, she has added it to her TBR list as well. This is a great read for anyone who likes young adult, romance or science-fiction. According to the author, this book was written as a stand-alone, but I could really see their story continuing. I would love to see more of Retta and Hemingway!


I did write Blue Hearts of Mars as a stand-alone novel, however, I’ve been getting such positive feedback about interest in a sequel that I may write one, and if not that, then at least a novella or something in the Blue Hearts universe. I have a lot of other projects in the works at the moment, but I’m willing to put some of them on hold to work on one that seems to be in demand. If you read Blue Hearts of Mars and want me to do a follow-up, speak up! Either here or on Goodreads or in an Amazon review. I’m a great listener!




  1. Juewelz

    Thank you for sharing the review!

    • Nicole

      No problem! And of course I did! You guys rock!


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