by Nicole | Jul 8, 2014 | Book News, Excerpts, Teasers
Hey! Yeah, so the baby arrived on June 17th. I’m still recovering because babies are hard work! And recovering from surgery is a total whack job. I mean, really, the hardest part is the emotional surges and overall hormonal drainage. It’s like a hormone...
by Nicole | Sep 25, 2013 | Book News, Excerpts, Teasers
Two days ago, I powered through the remaining six chapters and finished changing the point-of-view in A Boat Made of Bone from 1st person to 3rd. It only took me six hours! And today I STILL have a backache from looking down at my laptop. But I’m through the...
by Nicole | Sep 6, 2013 | Book News, Excerpts, Teasers
“Storms” by Exitmusic, from the album Passage
by Nicole | Aug 16, 2013 | Book News, Excerpts, Teasers
I’m currently going through my second draft and changing all the sections that were originally in 1st person POV to limited 3rd. The process of changing a story from 1st to 3rd is a lot of work! And I’m betting it’s a lot harder than it sounds. I...
by Nicole | Jul 15, 2013 | Book News, Excerpts, Teasers
A new teaser from A Boat Made of Bone! You say: “I love it and want to share it!” You do? Sweet! Thank you! Here are some easy links, dear heart. Share this awesome teaser on Twitter! Share this awesome teaser on Facebook! “I’m not just being dramatic,...
by Nicole | Jul 1, 2013 | Book News, Excerpts, Teasers
I’m excited to share this with you guys! It’s a teaser from A Boat Made of Bone, my next book and the book that this Kickstarter campaign is for. If you enjoy this teaser, please take a moment and go pledge to help get the book published. Just $1 gets you...