Giveaway on Facebook!

Hey. You. Did you enter the drawing on Facebook? Do it. Now. Head over to the old Facebook page, like the page, and enter the drawing. I’ll be doing a drawing every other week. So stick around because I really, really want to give you a gift card. Any additional...

Update On Website Redesign and Alpha Read

If you’re one of my fabulous alpha readers, you might be wondering where the next chapter is. I have the same question! What happened is I got caught up in a website redesign that I thought would be easy . . . because I don’t know anything about website...

Meet Ty Watts: Teaser #5

Two days ago, I powered through the remaining six chapters and finished changing the point-of-view in A Boat Made of Bone from 1st person to 3rd. It only took me six hours! And today I STILL have a backache from looking down at my laptop. But I’m through the...