by Nicole | Jan 18, 2017 | Life Story
My cat, one of my oldest friends, died Monday. She had a fast-growing cancerous tumor in her mouth, which I basically discovered in December. It was kind of sudden. Yesterday I wrote her a letter. I want it out there, in the universe, circulating. I don’t know...
by Nicole | Jan 29, 2015 | Writing Advice
Regularly, someone asks me how I have time to write, let alone write a book. Look at what I’m doing now! I’m at my sister’s house, writing! CW is playing with his cousin and baby Z is in the exer-saucer! I shouldn’t be writing this post at the...
by Nicole | Jan 24, 2015 | Life Story, Music
First things first, I just discovered this gem. It’s so good. And, confession, something about the vocalist reminds me of Tracy Chapman. Weird! But it’s lovely and brooding and pensive. It makes me want to break up just so I can have a bit of drama. Haha!...
by Nicole | May 5, 2014 | Life Story
Answer: for me, no. I’ve been trying to work out a plot for Feed 2. Or Feed 2.0 Feed, an Addendum. Feed, the Followup. FEED THE REVOLUTION. Also working on a name. Because Feed 2 is lame. Suggestions welcome. The problem is that I’m to the point in this...
by Nicole | Apr 30, 2014 | Life Story
If you’re wondering where I’ve been, I’ll tell you. I’ve been off being a hero. No, a saint. A real unselfish creature. Except all the times when I’m grumpy and ornery and selfish… Anyway, sometime in June, we’re expecting a...
by Nicole | Oct 21, 2013 | Life Story, Music
Confession. I still don’t know what I want my blog to be. If you knew me, you’d know that I’m notorious for being indecisive. The problem is that I have too much passion. Some days I want my blog to be a spot for me to assist fellow indie-authors and...