“I Am Just Junco” Gets New Covers!

Fellow Indie Author J.A. Huss has released new covers for her “I Am Just Junco” series. Check it out! Here’s a synopsis of the series: Picture yourself standing at the edge of a dock. Now picture being lost in your own head, utterly unsure of...

Courtney Cole Minaldi Legacy Cover Reveal

It’s here! Courtney Cole’s The Minaldi Legacy Series’ long awaited Part 2, OF DARKNESS AND DEMONS, is on it’s way to our hands! Courtney’s giving us Part 2 in an Omnibus that will be released in January 2014 containing both, OF BLOOD AND...

Megan Thomason: arbitrate Cover Reveal

So if you didn’t read daynight yet, you must. And if you did and you’re excited for the sequel, like I am, you’ll be happy to know that Megan has a release date scheduled for arbitrate for October 29th! And guess what? I had an exclusive peek at the...

Cover Reveal: Fisher Amelie’s “GREED”

I’m really excited to participate in the cover reveal for Fisher’s next book, slated to released in the fall. Which, you know is just around the corner, so get pumped, fans! Gather ‘round, love, because I want you. I want what you have, I want what you...