Check Out My New Serial!

by | Book News

I’ve added a new section to my website, Free Fiction!

This is something I’ve been wantingScreen Shot 2013-08-14 at 5.23.38 PM to try for a while–doing a serial. I think it’ll work perfectly with the chick lit novel I started earlier this year, and then put on stand-by to write A Boat Made of Bone. BMOB is finished (yeah, I totally know I need to update my status bars!) and now I’m editing the first draft. So I thought it would be fun to release the chapters of my chick lit story, which I’ve lovingly titled Olivia Fox: Latter Day Lawyer, in serial form. I’ll be revealing chapters a week at a time. So be sure to mark your calendars, you know, once you get addicted to the story. Because it is addicting.

I’ve included comment forms at the end of each chapter, so please feel free to leave comments. As usual, they are moderated, so it might take a few hours for your comments to show up.

A bit of information about the Olivia Fox story. About two years ago I moved back to Utah after living abroad (is Nashville abroad? Seems like it, but not like abroad as in, you know, Europe, but still…) and even though I grew up here and didn’t move until I was in my mid-twenties, returning to Utah was a bit of culture shock. I love the state and the people, but I’d forgotten how a lot of things are here in the great state of Utah.

So I had to put it in a book. That’s what Olivia Fox is about–someone who left a small Utah community at a young age and moves back. And she’s single, so there’s romance in it. And she’s not Mormon, so there’s that too. Together, it all makes an interesting story. To me, at least. And maybe to a few others.

Check it out now!





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