Cover Reveal: Heart of the Colossus

by | Book News, Cover Reveals, New Release, Promotional

So here it is, the cover for Book 3 in the Holly Drake series! It comes out on July 12 and it will not be in Kindle Unlimited. I’m putting that announcement here now, so you can plan your future reading. 

Here’s why: Amazon has been having issues with page reads. I’m not really sure what’s happening, but I don’t want these bots to result in my books getting banned from Amazon altogether. So, I’m taking all my books out of Kindle Unlimited. I’m sorry to do this to my readers, and I am myself a subscriber. But I have absolutely no idea how I can protect myself from these supposed click-farms/bots or whatever. If Amazon came out with a definitive: do not use these promotion sites, do not do A, B, or C, then I could have some security in knowing what it is I can do to protect my books from being targeted. 

Anyway, this is supposed to be a happy post about my awesome cover! Thanks to Milo at Deranged Doctor for doing such a fucking bang-up job on making Holly Drake and her world come to life! I haven’t named book 4 yet, but there will be a book 4! So stick around!

Preorder on Amazon ➝ ➝




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