It’s finally here! A new teaser!
Geez. I don’t know what happened. I fell off the wagon or something.
No but seriously, sometimes it’s hard to keep your momentum. I got sidetracked by actually, I don’t know, writing the book and editing it, so much so that I forgot to try to keep you guys in the loop.
So here it is. This is a small excerpt, meant to show you that Feed 3 isn’t just about overcoming the dark side of new tech and whatnot. It’s also about people getting butterflies in their stomachs over someone else.
I have about 500 more words from this little section scheduled to post to my blog tomorrow morning. This is a snippet from that excerpt. So be sure to come back to get further insight into what’s going on in Ghosteye’s head!
As usual, the typical stuff applies here: content is subject to change or just, you know, not even show up in the book! I might change it. I might decide I hate it and cut it entirely. Anything is possible right up to the day you’re actually reading the book.