Kickstarter Addict

by | Book News

If you haven’t checked out Kickstarter before, you should. Holy crap there are some amazing projects on there. I’m totally addicted to perusing the site and backing stuff. It should come as no surprise, then, that I’m going to do my own campaign. Should it? Hmm. Maybe it should.

So I just just have to finish the video and put the final touches on the rewards for backers and we’ll launch it. I say ‘we’ because I’m going to have some help from a few friends. The begin date will probably be on the 13th, maybe sooner. It depends. If you’re interested in helping spread the word about the Kickstarter to get the book funded, contact me or Laura at Prism Book Tours to be included in the blast (that’s what we’re calling it).

Screen Shot 2013-06-03 at 6.15.06 PMI’ve been working on this book for quite a few months. It actually overtook the projects you see in the right sidebar there–yeah, the Root, Book 2 of the Illuminated Universe, and also that awesome Chick-lit novel. Originally I’d planned to release this new book in June, but there were some surprises in my personal life. My dad died in March and though we knew he was sick and would pass on soon, it was still more difficult than I ever imagined it would be. Some of you might have seen his obituary, which I posted here. That might have come as a surprise and I apologize for the out-of-left-field nature of that obituary.

Sad. Huh. I’m feeling somber now.

Well. OK. Moving on. Must go on.

So! About my new book! I’m classifying it as a New Adult novel even though it isn’t exactly like Colleen Hoover’s books or J. Lynne’s. There’s a supernatural element to it, but the age of the protagonist is around 24, she’s just finished college, and is looking for what’s next in her life. She begins having recurring dreams of a male celebrity who’s been dead for several years. Celebrity = she knows he’s dead. So what gives? I mean, with the dreams? Huh. Weird.

This is the synopsis I’ve written for the Kickstarter page:Dream Kiss

A Boat Made of Bone is a love story that spans worlds, generations, and reaches beyond death into the realm of fantasy. Kat MIller has been having recurring dreams about the same man–a long dead celebrity. While her night-world beckons, her real life just got intriguing with the introduction of Jared–a guy with looks that could set a thousand housewives free. Kat must negotiate the edge of reality, solve the mystery of her nightly rendezvous with Will Marks, the man from her dreams, and either set him free or lose herself forever in her sleeping world.

So, if that sounds interesting to you, spread the word! Help me get this project funded and I’ll send you thought-butterfly kisses. And such. Also, I should mention that there will be sample chapters available when the campaign launches. That way you can see if the book is something you’ll be interested in.

More updates to come!




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