
Welcome to my little portal into the metaphysical realm, where the unseen becomes the seen, and where I provide more personalized insights into my healing journey with the hope that this can help you on yours.

A buddhist monk meditates in the desert at sunrise.

Every journey begins with the first step... yes, I said it! Cliché, true, and so profound...

When I began writing Lightbeard’s School for the Broken, I had no idea I would one day decide to share my thoughts about spiritual or metaphysical topics. I wanted to stay safe behind the veil of authorial intent. I made a list of reference books that had helped me and inserted it at the end of the books, directing readers to other experts because I am the eternal student, not an expert and not a teacher. However, I now feel that I want to remove that veil and share specific things without an agenda. My hope is that this can assist and guide any true seeker who wishes to find peace through their personal practice and ascension.

yoga pose silhouette on sunset background


Theory without practice is pointless. To give it meaning, you must begin a practice. Learn how and where to start with a few insights from myself as well as one or two of my colleagues. What you choose must resonate with you.

yin yang symbol , drawn in the middle of a lotus with golden petals on a black background


Healing will become part of your practice whether or not you’re aware of it. But setting the intention to truly begin healing increases your capacity to find inner union. Learn some of the new modalities available to assist you.

yoga pose silhouette on sunset background


Expanding your consciousness impacts every aspect of your journey. Meditation is the only way to do this. It will be the cornerstone for your healing journey. Beginners start here, however, even advanced students can learn more.

yoga pose silhouette on sunset background


An expanding consciousness understands that All Is One. Oneness doesn’t stop at the boundary of Earth. Learn how our galactic brothers and sisters are assisting humanity on our journey to ascension as individuals and as a collective.

Over time, new pages and topics will be added, so please check back regularly.

Buddha monk practice meditation with waterfall

As an eternal student, the journey constantly changes. To live in a state of flow, one must become like water as the Tao says. What is immutable are only the laws of the universe, one of which states that All Is One. Form and flow exist as part of this paradigm and the new Earth will become more balanced between this dynamic nature of form/flow. In the future, we will embrace the sacred feminine energy of flow.