New Blog Tour Reviews

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Shell BookshelfTwo blogs have posted their reviews of Blue Hearts of Mars as part of the blog tour. Here are some quotes from them. Follow the links to read the full reviews. Thanks to Michelle and Ryan for reading and reviewing my book. 🙂 I appreciate it so much!

“I am not sure if I can express how much I adored the main character, Retta. She is outspoken, sarcastic at times, and the way she stood up for others really endeared her to me. I love the way the book starts out. The opening section really hooked me in and got me excited about the subject matter of the book–androids.”

From Books-Marks the Spot.

“I was hooked on the social issues going on with android and human population. I loved that this book brought a rather interesting question to the forefront, ‘What makes a human truly human?’ Is it the sum of all of our parts or is it something more? It’s a very big question and its not one that comes with an easy answer.”

From In Libris Veritas.




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