New Series Name Reveal

by | Book News, Promotional

Hey! So great news. I’ve finally named the series I’ve been working on. It only took me FOREVER to name it. If you didn’t already know, I hate naming pretty much anything. Unless the name is the first thing that I come up with, the process is usually fraught with a lot of tension and stress.

Remember when I had 9 months to come up with the name of my son (first kid)? It took nearly the entire 9 months. I know there are people who actually have the baby in their arms and still no name. That’s pushing it A LITTLE far, guys. Come on. Give your kid a name!

Ok, so that’s not me. But I do struggle with it. Because names are EVERYTHING. Unlike that fine, fine Shakespeare quote: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose / By any other word would smell as sweet.”

Bull shit. Ha.

Want to have an argument about names and how important they are? Does anyone wish to challenge me? Come on! I’m breaking out my dueling gloves . . . I’m about to do some glove-slapping . . .

Please take two minutes to watch “Glove Slap” if you haven’t seen it already. It’s too good to pass up. And it will bring you pure joy and possibly some of the best lines you can incorporate into everyday life.

“Glove slap, I don’t take crap!” “I choose pistols at dawn!” “Oh why did I have to slap a guy who says ‘suh.'”  I could keep going . . . I mean, it’s never-ending. One of my top Simpsons episodes. Actually, this entire episode is so freaking good, empirically speaking. The entire, ENTIRE thing. 

Anyway, wow, what a tangent. Back on track.The series is officially named (well, not quite official, it can be changed until it’s got an ASIN assigned to it and I can’t change it without getting a new ASIN and whatnot). Here you go, in refreshing bullet-points with a side of lemonade: 

  • Eye of the Colossus: A Holly Drake Job Book 1
  • Hands of the Colossus: A Holly Drake Job Book 2
  • Heart of the Colossus: A Holly Drake Job Book 3

And beyond the Holly Drake Job bit, they fit under the umbrella “6-Moon Adventures” (still playing with this one.) First I’ll be releasing the Gabriel Bach short story. Gabe is loosely related to Holly–he’s a detective in the police force in the City of Jade Spires. Yeah, Spires! Right? Everyone loves a good spire.

It will all make sense someday . . .

The first to read Gabe’s story (which I haven’t named yet, but is nearly done), will be the subscribers to my Patreon, followed by the readers on my mailing list–people who’ve signed up via one of the forms on my website, either to nab “Feed 0.5” or “The Blue Blue Eyes of Dark Dark Space.” 

So if you’ve signed up that way, you’re in. Otherwise you’ll have to grab it through Amazon. It won’t be free on KU because then I can’t give it to my most loyal readers! Check back in a week or so to see the name of Gabe Bach’s short story or to see if I’ve revealed any covers. Because this stuff is happening quick!




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