by Nicole | Apr 16, 2018 | Book News, Giveaways, Promotional
Hey so as part of the festivities over the launch of the Eye of the Colossus, I’m doing this giveaway. The big prize is obviously the signed paperback copy of Eye of the Colossus. The smaller bit is just the lame $50 giftcard (I mean, who even wants one of those...
by Nicole | Mar 30, 2018 | Book News, Cover Reveals, Promotional
Ready for this? OK, so normally I want to have a post full of interesting things in addition to the cover reveal, but as it happens, I’m swamped with EVERYTHING at the moment. So I’m just going to throw this puppy up there and say thanks for coming by to...
by Nicole | Feb 10, 2018 | Book News, Promotional
Hey! So great news. I’ve finally named the series I’ve been working on. It only took me FOREVER to name it. If you didn’t already know, I hate naming pretty much anything. Unless the name is the first thing that I come up with, the process is usually...
by Nicole | Jan 8, 2018 | Book News
Welcome to 2018! I know everyone thinks 2017 sucked, but honestly it wasn’t that bad, IMO. I mean, things can only get better, right? Here’s how I’m getting over 2017 and the disaster it seemed to be. Setting goals for 2018!I’ve spent a few...
by Nicole | Dec 6, 2017 | Book News, New Release, Teasers
Introducing: Leo Brandon Keeping with the release day madness, here’s a teaser featuring a new character. Click the image to zoom in. Feed 3 comes out on Amazon (Kindle and paperback) on December 15th–the ebook will be 99 cents for the first week, then...