by Nicole | Jul 20, 2018 | Life Story
Parenting fail: dad ignored his son's actual personality, thinking his boy would mind. Uh, seriously, dad. Know your son. He needed stealth wings. Not wax! There’s a lot on my mind. Chicks in 5-inch heels walking around me nearby (maybe 6 inches? I’m not...
by Nicole | Aug 1, 2017 | Life Story
There’s some iron in the fire. I’ve got some things stewing. Stew. And other things broiling. Like grilled cheese. Yep. August is here and that means school is about to begin again. My youngest will be starting preschool. Saying that feels like being...
by Nicole | Feb 16, 2017 | Life Story, Uncategorized
Back in 2005 when I started my first blog and began dating Stoker, he had a run-in with a pumice stone. And I wrote a mildly decent post about it (linked, if you’re interested in reading the original), because why not? It still cracks me up, that pumice stone...
by Nicole | May 5, 2014 | Life Story
Answer: for me, no. I’ve been trying to work out a plot for Feed 2. Or Feed 2.0 Feed, an Addendum. Feed, the Followup. FEED THE REVOLUTION. Also working on a name. Because Feed 2 is lame. Suggestions welcome. The problem is that I’m to the point in this...
by Nicole | Apr 30, 2014 | Life Story
If you’re wondering where I’ve been, I’ll tell you. I’ve been off being a hero. No, a saint. A real unselfish creature. Except all the times when I’m grumpy and ornery and selfish… Anyway, sometime in June, we’re expecting a...