by Nicole | Mar 17, 2014 | Music, Reviews
Blue Film is the kind of freshman album that excites the nerves with the thrill of discovery, like The xx’s first album or Pure Heroine, the debut album by New Zealand success story Lorde — with whom Lo-Fang is currently on tour. But Blue Film is a thing...
by Nicole | Mar 3, 2014 | Music, Reviews
Lost In the Trees approached their third album with a specific mission: To capture something less morose and somber than their second album, A Church that Fits Our Needs — an aural cathedral built for frontman Ari Picker’s mother, who committed suicide. They...
by Nicole | Aug 1, 2013 | Music, Reviews
My new review is up over at the music mag Treblezine. Check it out! Here’s a teaser: Stuart McLamb, the sole full-time member of The Love Language, recently divulged a secret about himself. “I can definitely overthink stuff,” he said, discussing the...