by Nicole | Feb 25, 2018 | Cover Reveals, Promotional, Short stories
Meet Detective Gabe Bach, of the City of Jade Spires. He enjoys long rides on the spireway, unfiltered IPAs, wearing a jacket during an eclipse (there are just a few in the 6-moons region) and digging into a good homicide case.Coming soon….patrons will get it...
by Nicole | Dec 6, 2017 | Book News, Cover Reveals, Uncategorized
Feed 3 comes out on December 15th and this post should have gone up yesterday. But let’s pretend that today is the 5th and not my mom’s birthday (Happy birthday, Mom! She doesn’t read my blog, haha, but if she happened to glance at it, I would...
by Nicole | Nov 1, 2017 | Uncategorized
Can there ever be TOO many unicorns? They're a staple. So no. I don't think so. Are you a compulsive reader of fantasy and sci-fi? Do your thoughts drift to the book you’d rather be reading over being forced to engage in conversation with store clerks,...
by Nicole | Oct 22, 2017 | Games
If there are three things in the world that I love besides my family (kids, husband, parents, et al, right?), they are video games and Nathan Fillion. If you’re even mildly into geek/nerd culture, then you’ll recall your first moment crushing on him. Was...
by Nicole | Sep 26, 2012 | Author Interviews, Other Authors
I met Grady a few years ago when I stumbled across a short story he did on the site Strange Horizons called “The Bright and Shining Parasites of Guiyu.” I don’t *NORMALLY* write to authors to tell them I liked a story they did, but I sent a quick...