by Nicole | May 18, 2018 | Book News, Music
The scene that I just wrote tonight, is perhaps the most perfect scene I’ve ever written. Maybe it’s the mania talking–that feeling that comes after I’ve done something I think it is wicked awesome. Could be. I mean, it’s late, and I...
by Nicole | Jul 17, 2017 | Book News, Excerpts, Life Story, Short stories, Writing Advice
Haven’t posted here in a while, have I? And my last post was (let’s face it), kinda lame. Right? I mean, does ANYONE even use pumice stones anymore? Ha ha ha. Hardly. There’s sandpaper and such, for that. What have I been doing lately? Well,...
by Nicole | Jan 29, 2015 | Writing Advice
Regularly, someone asks me how I have time to write, let alone write a book. Look at what I’m doing now! I’m at my sister’s house, writing! CW is playing with his cousin and baby Z is in the exer-saucer! I shouldn’t be writing this post at the...
by Nicole | May 5, 2014 | Life Story
Answer: for me, no. I’ve been trying to work out a plot for Feed 2. Or Feed 2.0 Feed, an Addendum. Feed, the Followup. FEED THE REVOLUTION. Also working on a name. Because Feed 2 is lame. Suggestions welcome. The problem is that I’m to the point in this...